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When writing, students should remember to use transition sentences at the beginning of each body paragraph. They should also start their conclusion paragraph by restating their thesis statement, and end their essay with a unique thought or idea.
Self-checking is a step many students love to leave out! Students often lose points because of careless mistakes they could have fixed by self-checking their work. Here’s a helpful self-checking tool:
C stands for Capitalization
T stands for Tense (students should make sure they use a consistent past or present tense)
O stands for Organization (students should include an opening, a thesis statement, well-organized body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph)
P stands for Punctuation
S stands for Spelling
Students should be sure to re-read their essay five separate times to check for each element on this list. Once they have finished brainstorming, writing, and self-checking their essay, they should look at the clock and record AT, the actual amount of time it took them to complete this process.
The more students practice these strategies, the easier and less daunting the essay writing process will be come. With these tools, students will be well on their way to writing a good, well-organized essay for any timed exam.
EMILY LEVY is the director of EBL Coaching, which offers one-on-one tutoring, small group programs, and summer sessions for academic skills development. For more information, call (646) 342-9380, or visit